An Alien Spark
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An Alien Spark

Book 6 of the Soldiers of Saedo series

An Alien Spark

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AN ALIEN SPARK is an adult sci-fi romance story.

“Every time I’m near you, I die a little, but you’re worth every spark of pain.”

After being rescued from a horrific abduction, Nina finds her niche as a yoga instructor for aliens on a new planet. She can’t help her attraction to an impressive soldier who had rescued her. But every time he sees her, pain and repulsion splash across his face. That’s not the kind of reaction a girl hopes for in a love interest, so she confronts him.

As an elite soldier with a rare illness, Zeycott doesn’t want to attach himself to anyone or anything. Nina makes him want again by igniting an unusual spark that trembles his body awake. But being with her comes with a dire price.

Is Nina his salvation or is she the catalyst that will kill him?

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